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ISO 9001: 2015
We are ISO 9001 : 2015 CERTIFIED !!
“ Quality “ is a serious business. We learnt it in the process, strived to improvise at every opportunity. It’s a continual effort for us, which we cherish and diligently follow with discipline. Probably that’s the reason, We take pride in having all Top most companies in the Precision machinery manufacturing segment in INDIA. We continue to hold that position Jyoti Machine Tools is ISO 9001:2015 certified for QMS, focussed with our key quality objects:
- Continual improvement by training of employees for better service quality..
- Continual improvement through reduction in customer complaints to ideally minimum level measured on the basis of feedback from customers. The actual objective is to reduce it by 1% annually.
- To ensure compliance of delivery schedule by 90%.